Re: Report - Don't want to show the main task
I include a hidden helper column with a column formula =COUNT(ANCESTORS()). You can then introduce a filter in your report to not include rows with a zero value.1 · -
Sheet Filters on Reports
Sheet filters are extremely useful ways to view sheet information, it would useful to have the ability to select a sheet filter when developing a report to avoid having to duplicate the filter setup …8 · -
Re: Ability to paste a screenshot directly into Conversations > Comments or Attachments
Adding the same functionality to form submissions would also be very useful!4 · -
Re: Adding Images in Form Body and Descriptions
I agree this is a much-needed functionality. Many form builders have this out the box.7 · -
Re: Can you add an image to a form?
I don't think think this is possible in Smartsheet (yet). Google Forms has an add-in that syncs submissions into a Smartsheet sheet. Google forms as a lot more flexibility to do what you described ab…3 ·